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What do you guys want to see

1 year ago

OK, I need to get off my butt on this one finally. Just like over at Patreon, what video would you guys like to see this month? Post some ideas and lets get planning.


dus777 @dus7776m6 months ago

priority training topics and battle drills.

11 reply
dus777 @dus7776m6 months ago

or, activation drills

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A Young Patriot @ayoungpatriot1y1 year ago

Something different lol. Maybe something you haven't covered that you could do a basic overview on. I already said I'd love to see collabs or maybe have some dudes you know give you a basic script on a topic your not as familiar with. That would be interesting.

In terms of anything particular let me see....

Anything that has to do with operations planning mid war in a realistic scenario. Things like, 15 man militia plans a supply raid on enemy FOB or any other things that may be common.

Militia interactions with civilians in different circumstances, or potentially establishing a temporary government in areas we occupy. How to do it and how to stop certain people from getting anywhere near it.

What civil are still lawful targets due to their professions, I.E. judges, EMS, schools, ETC. not necessarily for attacking but just to take over and establish people WE want in those positions.

How to assemble hasty militias of regular people with the help of an organized militia for area Defense, such as a newly liberated town or neighborhood.

How would militias work together and work out disagreements.

On a similar vein, perhaps we could go over examples in American history such as during the revolution, civil war, war of 1812 etc, and see problems that militias may have had and address them. That would be interesting if nothing else.

Maybe a few fun ones for interesting philosophy or symbolism, though that would probably be best thrown into a rant video as they aren't productive, as fun as they are to have.

If there are females fighting for or associated with the militia, how would interpersonal relationships be worked out? That could be a problem.

How do militias keep the peace in areas we liberate, not just from Gangs, but also from people of opposing politics and people who were on government assistance and now can't sustain themselves but aren't going to the extent of looting.

How would the militias interact with neutral, or allied police forces. Both ones that would side with us, or ones we would establish in liberated towns.

How will militias establish contact and trade or deal with preppers or MAGs? Will they be friendly or hostile? What is or is not allowed to he traded? Can we for example trade grenades to preppers for food or is that too powerful.

Will militias that may not be located in a particular place have any effect on policies put in place by local governments we establish or side with us to begin with.

At the very beginning, how do militias do missions around local law enforcement that isn't openly opposed to the militias actions if they will be open. Example, get local sheriff to stay away from ATF ambush in a certain neighborhood.

How to establish official lines of communication with enemy units or command personnel. Will this even be a thing? What is or isn't allowed or recommended.

What items will militiamen be allowed to own and how will items be dispensed amongst the unit. Items that are captured I mean. Guy gets shot wearing a silver necklace, who gets it. Is his gun property of the unit, or the guy who got a confirmed kill?

Will organized militias train local defensive militias in areas we liberate or establish and how would we go about that.

Would we answer to an officially formed army or rebel government on any level or should we try to stay as independent as possible and what factors should be considered.

I'll cut this short for now, I'm sure I'll think of more.

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